Review Available Reports This section includes descriptions of the reports you can run to review assignments and completed training. Assignments Completed Under Minimum Time The Assignments Completed Under Minimum Time report allows you to evaluate the time spent on a training assignment. Training administrators can set the minimum time for assignments in Training properties. Assignment History The Assignment History report displays assignment information such as training title, start date, end date, and time spent. The report is grouped by employee. For each employee, the Employee Summary section displays the total number of training units and total time spent on assignments. Completion Status The Completion Status report calculates the assignment completion percentage for each month. Executive Training Summary The Executive Training Summary report displays assignment statistics such as total assignments in completed, not started, and overdue states. Import Template Export Report This report provides the demographic data of users in an organization that can be imported into the PureSafety system. The report is accessible to all users in addition to the system administrators and reseller administrators. Purchases Receipts You can run this report to view your On Demand purchases. Training Data for Export The Training Data for Export report displays demographic information and training history. You can use this report to export data from On Demand to another format. Training administrators can run this report to view all information associated with an employee's account. Training Data for Export History Report This report can be used to satisfy a user’s right to access and portability of their training data in the system.